Inspiration Boards


seesaw_inspiration_board_sz_052610One of my college professors insisted we always carry a sketchbook everywhere we went because you never know when inspiration will hit you. Lately, Pinterest has been my main source for finding and ‘pinning’ any inspiration. However, I also find ideas from magazines, friends, television and books. Right now I have a pile of ripped out pages from magazines in a drawer somewhere. That’s why I love the idea of inspiration or mood boards as a collection of those creative visions hanging on my wall, and not tucked away in my desk.Jenna-Lyons-office--600x397inspoinspiration-boardinspiration3_dearhancock{images from here, here, here, here, here and here}

Apple Pie


IMG_5897 copy As much as I hate to admit this, I was never really a huge fan of apple pie when I was younger. I thought fruit and desert should never mix. That was until a few years ago when my sister made this apple pie. My opinion about fruit as desert was changed, and I’ve never looked back. The website I got this particular recipe from calls this the ‘World’s Best Apple Pie”, and I have to agree. The crust is soft and crumbly, and the filling is not too sweet or tart. I’m craving a slice just thinking about it!IMG_5808applepie1applepie2IMG_5894 copy

DIY Chain and Leather Wrap Bracelet


For my first DIY tutorial I chose something that was super easy to make. I’ve seen these wrap bracelets all over the blogging world and in stores. My first thought when I saw them was “I could make that!” So I did. The good news is the supplies were relatively cheap and you can finish the project during an (hour-long) episode of your favorite show.

You’ll need (for a triple-wrap bracelet):

Start by double threading your needle with a little more than the length of the leather bracelet. Cut and tie the two ends together. Line one end of the chain with the end of the leather bracelet. Start sewing underneath the bracelet and through the gold chain.


Continue sewing the chain onto the bracelet in this pattern. Use the plyers if you find it hard to get the needle through the leather on your own.

Sew until you reach the end of the bracelet. Cut off the excess chain if you haven’t already.


Happy DIYing!


Hello World!


Welcome to my new blog! I’m Luisa- a twenty-something, recent college grad with a love of DIY and delicious recipes. I have been crafting ever since my dad bought me a miniature Barbie sewing machine when I was in middle school. My skills were pretty much limited to pillow-making, though I like to think I’ve improved a bit since then. To this day I am constantly crafting and decided to start a blog to share what I make and how, along with all the inspiration I find in between!!der                                                   {Me at Cannes this past summer}