DIY Bubble Letter Necklace



This project is the result of another inspirational Pinterest find. If you have been following my blog, you already know how much I love wire jewelry. I’m obsessed with writing out words, seen here and here, so I love this new twist of writing out just one letter. This project was super easy and quick!

Bubble Letter Necklace


– Wire
– Chain
– Pliers
– Wire Cutters
– Paper & Pen

Bubble-Letter-NecklaceStep 1: Write out the letter you want to make in bubble form. *Do a quick image search if you’re not sure how to draw out your letter!* Choose one point on the letter that will serve as a starting point for the wire.

Bubble-Letter-NecklaceStep 2: Trace out the drawn letter with the wire. Continue until you have reached your starting point. Cut off the excess wire.

Bubble-Letter-NecklaceStep 3: Measure and cut a piece of chain however long you want your necklace to be. Use a jump ring to attach the letter to the chain.

Bubble-Letter-NecklaceAnd you’re done! How simple was that? Enjoy!